July 11, 2008

Passing Strange passes

Filed under: Broadway — offoffbway @ 5:22 pm

Passing Strange

Passing Strange, the only Broadway musical that we know of that was composed by a single-named person (Stew), will close on July 20.


July 10, 2008


Filed under: Reviews — offoffbway @ 10:25 am

Hana IchimommeReview of HANA ICHIMOMME

A Solo Play by Ken Miyamoto

Performed by Seiko Tano

Review by Stefan Matthew

Through July 13th

Click here for tickets

In Bertolt Brecht’s Messingfkauf Dialogues the German translates as “Der Messingkauf” literally as “the purchase of brass.” This is not an homage to the abstract equivalence of that fine metal; rather, Brecht as “The Philosopher” is interested in raiding the theater for what is useful, like a brass-merchant who doesn’t care that the metal he melts down comes from some musician’s cherished instrument.


July 6, 2008

Charlie Victor Romeo is back

Filed under: Special Performances — offoffbway @ 10:24 am

Never saw this when it was first in town, but by all accounts its one of those rare shows that falls into the category of “unmissable.” So you have another chance.

Go to weird.org for info.