November 22, 2006

Flavorpill LA has an item about – no joke – Machomer, a show by Rick Miller that “eimagines the Bard’s infamous tragedy amidst the hustle and bustle of modern-day Springfield, twisting and mangling the tale to delightful extremes.”
Rick’s other shows include Bigger Than Jesus, and ‘Machomer’ has been touring for 10 years. Must be doing something right. This is kind of in the same vein as Oblivious to Everyone, although this one is of course about fictional characters (Paris Hilton is sort of fictional as well, but, sadly, she exists and Homer Simpson does not, proving that there is no justice in this world). Gotta have a gimmick, and if it’s a good one, more power to ya.
Irvine Barclay Theatre in Cali, Fri 11.24 – Sun 11.26 if you’re out there and want to check it out. If you do, feel free to email us a review. You know us, if it’s even vaguely coherent, we’ll post it.
– Machomer official site
– Rick Miller official site
– Flavorpill LA (listing)

Photo by Robbie Renfrow
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: make a show about a dumb celebrity, then just sit back and count your money.
OK, it’s not quite that easy, and presumably Oblivious To Everyone is pretty good or it wouldn’t be extending. That said, if this were a one-woman show about, say, Florence Kling Harding (she was President Harding’s wife! Come on, you knew that!), odds are it wouldn’t have captured the public’s imagination in quite the same way.
We begrudge no one their success – and we say again, may it run ten years.
Press release follows. Enjoy.
November 15, 2006
There’s nothing we like better than a funny show with a kickin’ theme song. (Well, OK, we’d like an enormous pile of money more than that.) The Riant Theatre’s new show WHO’S GOT GAME? has both. Funny improv, cash prizes for the performers AND the audience, and a theme song that’s way better than anything this guy ever came up with. Actually, it’s much better than that. Give it a listen, and check out the show. Big opening night this Sunday at 6pm, show continues on Sundays through December 17th. Press release after the jump.
The Riant Theatre
Presents a Dynamic New Improv Show
At Times Square Arts Center, 300 West 43rd Street, Roy Arias Theatre, 5th Floor
Sundays at 6PM – Now through December 17th
November 13, 2006
The Havel Festival rolls on. Apparently none other than Kathleen Turner herself did a reading, and Havel himself showed up to a performance of ‘The Memo’ (which we always thought was called The Memorandum, but perhaps not anymore). The fest rolls on, visit this site for a schedule.