October 11, 2006
Well, it’s obvious, but if they didn’t do it we would mock them mercilessly, so that means we have to give them credit for doing it.
What, pray tell, are we talking about? Why, Evil Dead The Musical is having an extra performance on Halloween – Tuesday, October 31 at 11:00 PM. Good grown-up scary-type fun. With a disembodied hand that moves. Rock on.

(note: the above photo is from the Mimi Le Duck blog. No idea what it has to do with the leshow. Our guess – not a damn lething. But the blog is not entirely without its charms.)
Mimi LeDuck has encountered a LeDelay. (Le Scandal!) This is due to “unexpected delays in technical rehearsal”, which could mean anything. We blame everyone EXCEPT Eartha Kitt, cuz, well, she was Catwoman. Couldn’t be her fault. (Unless she ate the duck! [rim shot] You know, because cats… eat… ducks… Is this thing on?)
Full press release, LeDuck Lovers:
Mimi le Duck Postpones First Preview

Michael Riedel reports in the New York Post that “The ax is swinging again at The Times They Are A-Changin’, the new Twyla Tharp musical based on the music of Bob Dylan.” As usual, the blame seems to be falling on the performers rather than on, oh, I don’t know, the concept itself. (Try to imagine the initial meeting for this show. “Hey! It worked for Billy Joel! This is the same thing, right? Right? Someone get Twyla in here!”) According to Riedel (and while some people don’t like him, he’s usually factually correct), the show is on their 3rd leading lady. Here’s a list:
Reviews of two shows that look interesting from nytheatre.com:
El Conquistador!, which in addition to having an exclamation point on it appears to be a ‘telenovela’-style show, “involving suspense, seduction, murder and revenge.” (Mmmm… revenge…).
Also of note: OFF Stage: the West Village Fragments, which we’ve also mentioned.
October 5, 2006
Years ago Steppenwolf (the theater company, not the band) used to bring a show to Broadway every year. No longer. This is a shame, since the shows were often quite good.
Now we have them back, and at least the tickets won’t be as expensive. This time they’re at the tremendously snazzy theater complex 59E59 (really, the place is a sight to behold – if you’ve never been there, go; if you have, go again). The play is called THE SUNSET LIMITED, and it stars Austin Pendleton and Freeman Coffey. Pendleton’s a nutcase (or so we’ve heard), but he’s a terrific actor, and while we aren’t very familiar with Freeman Coffey, with a name like that, how can you not at least be sort of curious? Coffey is a Steppenwolf company member, so odds are he can act. Perfs start Tuesday, October 24, details are below or check the calendar.
Chicago’s acclaimed Steppenwolf Theater to premiere
Cormac McCarthy’s THE SUNSET LIMITED, featuring Austin Pendleton, at
59E59 Theaters in October

Reverend Jen has been hosting her Anti-Slam for a looong time (we can remember seeing her at Collective Unconscious, wearing a cat suit and those ears, waaaay back in, like, 1997. Collective Unconscious was on Ludlow Street. There were no clothing stores there. Really.) Now this event has moved to Downeast Arts Center and will play every Wednesday at 8pm (see below and check the calendar for details).
What’s this about her thinking you’re a 10? Don’t get yer hopes up, dude (although she does, on her website, invite dudes to contact her). The idea behind the Anti-Slam is that, while every act is rated from 1 to 10, everybody gets a 10. (We’d prefer if everyone got a 1, but we’re cranky that way.) So whether or not you have talent, if you’ve got a yen to perform, go Downeast, young man/woman/troll.
starting Wednesday, October 4
October 4, 2006

OK, sometimes we’re obnoxious, but we like to give credit where its due. This is kinda funny:
Ken Davenport and Robyn Goodman, in association with Walt Grossman, Ruth Hendel, Sharon Karmazin, Matt Murphy and Mark Shacket, proudly announce that Tuesday October 3rd was the 666th performance. Passing that means the Boyz have beaten the Devil and can continue their ‘soul saving’ in New York while embarking on a Nation-wide Tour as well.
That’s amusing, it promotes the show, and even, in a strange way, will probably even appeal to the religiously inclined. If nothing else, it’s an amusing thing, and probably a first (celebrating the 666th performance, that is). Bravo!
Full press release after the jump:

Altar Boyz Cast Album
October 3, 2006
Want some singing with your trick or treating? Or just want something where kids aren’t allowed (in this case, cuz they serve alcohol)? Check out the The LionHearted Players event on October 23. Don’t forget to check the calendar. Read on:
Monday, October 23
The LionHearted Players Present:
A Halloween Special of Magic Tricks and Comedy Treats

The web site for ‘Makeout Session’ is cute. Blistex navigation elements, very nice. Not nearly enough photos of folks makin’ out, however, especially for a play that claims to be An exploration of love, and an exploration of the overwhelming question “are they going to kiss?” Well, maybe they’ll post more soon.
Makeout Session | A New Play by Kenan Minkoff
September 28, 2006
‘Bouffon Glass Menajoree’, a parody of guess which play, has been extended at The Brick Theater. NYTheatre.com says it’s ‘sacrilege’, but in a good way (really). Anytime someone takes potshots at sacred literary cows, we’re all for that. (Real cows on the other hand – uh-uh. Don’t take potshots at those.)
Fridays @ 10:30pm starting October 13. Read on, you foolish mortal, you:
EXTENDED!! FROM … The NY Clown Theatre Festival
The Brick Theater, Inc. presents
a Ten Directions production
Bouffon Glass Menajoree
a parody of a beloved American Classic
†Yes, it is total theatrical sacrilege, and, I am forced to admit, delicious.
…sublimely funny and unexpectedly witty.â€
Gentlemen callers beware: The Wingfields plume their nest with broken glass, twisted morals, and perverted minds. Each night a new audience member will get to play the role of Jim, the gentlemen caller. Tom, Amanda and Laura claim no responsibility for your hurt feelings or offended sentiments. Tennessee Williams is spinning in his grave. Why would anyone do this to an American Masterpiece?